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Слушать песню легко и просто Hymn For The Weekend Power Workout Mix

Мы нашли для вас песню Hymn For The Weekend Power Workout Mix от The Gym Allstars. Мы будем очень рады, если вы насладитесь прослушивание этого музыкального произведения и оно принесёт вам радость. Эта музыка отлично подойдёт как для молодых, так и для опытных, которые наверяка найдут в ней что-то новое для себя.

Длительность: 03:18

Просмотры: 960

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От того же автора The Gym Allstars

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Видеоклип 10 minute Workout Video - Health & Fitness - Men Women - Method for Weight Loss
Ten minute Workout for Men & Women - 10 min Workout! The challenge for most of us is that we make excuses and blame to our modern busy life saying we don't have or don't give the time to exercise! This is also the reason that a good 10 min workout could be the solution to our exercise needs! My 10 minute daily workout is really a 20 min one: 1.#10 min of tension, relaxation, walking-running in place and stretching exercises 2.#about 100 to 120 legs up laying on my back in 2 sets 3.#80 to 100 sit ups or until I’m exhausted 4.#100 push ups 3 times a day 5.#100 more raising legs 12 to 24 inches from the floor 6.#200 steps running in place or in my back yard I'm sweating by then! and by this sweating I’m detoxing too! The challenge is that to do it every day by your self at home, you need to use all your might and will power! Some times is difficult... You need some extra motivation.Now, if you are like most people, one who likes to exercise in a group, in a gym, the 10/20/30 workout exercise method will be the right one for you!Why? Because it's: 1. 10 minute Cardio workout, alkaline water foe deep hydration and health!. Helix Lateral Trainer. No impact cardio workout. Works inner and outer thighs + glutes. Add resistance for additional muscle training. 2. 20 minute Vibration Machine, low impact-high efficiency workout 3. 30 minute Sauna, detox, relaxation After this easy and fun-to-do workout you feel like a new person, with a renovated body! FBE Fitness is a distraction free environment, motivating place, with very knowledgeable and friendly personal coaches at your service every time you are there!

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