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Скачать песню легко и просто Something Just Like This 132 BPM

Мы нашли для вас песню Something Just Like This 132 BPM от Remix Workout Factory. Мы будем очень рады, если вы насладитесь прослушивание этого музыкального произведения и оно принесёт вам радость. Эта музыка отлично подойдёт как для молодых, так и для опытных, которые наверяка найдут в ней что-то новое для себя.

Длительность: 04:27

Просмотры: 908

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Видеоклип Should You Workout if You're Sick_
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Should you really workout even when you're sick? I have 2 answers to this common question. Most of us won't like the first answer (it's the obvious one) so that's why I also gave a second answer.
1) If you're sick, your body need to heal and recover. Since you weaken your immune system when you workout hard for that short amount of time, working out when you're sick isn't the best idea.
In theory you should rest. Stay home for a couple days and let your body get over the sickness. I promise you won't lose any muscle!

2) If you MUST workout when you're sick, then here's my opinion on what you should do in the gym.

Sometimes it's good to do a little something if you're not feeling well. If you're truly sick, like if you have the flu or some sort of stomach virus, then stick to answer number one. Take some time off from the gym and rest.

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