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Качать песню в хорошем качестве You Don't Even Know Me

Мы нашли для вас песню You Don't Even Know Me от Ben Balearic. Мы будем очень рады, если вы насладитесь прослушивание этого музыкального произведения и оно принесёт вам радость. Эта музыка отлично подойдёт как для молодых, так и для опытных, которые наверяка найдут в ней что-то новое для себя.

Длительность: 08:34

Просмотры: 825

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От того же автора Ben Balearic


Видеоклип Sinéad O'Connor - Reason With Me [Lyrics]
Hello, you don't know me,
But I stole your laptop and I took your TV.
I sold your Granny's rosary for 50p.
And I even pulled an old hijack,
Said I had a hypodermic in me backpack,
But I was only bluffing.

Oh, so long I've been a junkie,
I ought to wrap it up and mind my monkeys.
I really want to mend my ways;
I'm gonna call that number one of these days.
It's not too late.

I'm the one who sits in the bathroom,
I'm the one who doesn't know how to have fun.
I'm the one to smoke a mist all around me
Cause I don't like no one around me.
Cause if I love someone, I might lose someone.
Cause if I love someone, I might lose someone.

Oh, so long I've been a junkie,
I ought to wrap it up and mind my monkeys.
I really want to mend my ways;
I'm gonna call that number one of these days.
I'm gonna reach a hand out to you,
Say "Would you pull me up? Now could you?"
I don't want to waste the life God gave me,
And I don't think that it's too late to save me.

Reason with me
Let's reason together
Reason with me
Let's reason together


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