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Мы нашли для вас песню Tell Me Who от Vanotek. Мы будем очень рады, если вы насладитесь прослушивание этого музыкального произведения и оно принесёт вам радость. Эта музыка отлично подойдёт как для молодых, так и для опытных, которые наверяка найдут в ней что-то новое для себя.

Длительность: 03:21

Просмотры: 772

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От того же автора Vanotek

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Видеоклип tell me - bob dylan
tell me, tell me i’ve got to know
tell me, tell me before i go
does that fire still burn, does that flame still glow
or has it died out and melted like the snow
tell me
tell me

tell me, what are you focused upon
tell me, will it come to me after you’re gone
tell me now with a glance or a sigh
should i hold you close or let you go by
tell me
tell me

is it the heat and the beat of your pulse that i feel
if it's not that than what is it you're trying to conceal
do you have any secrets that will only come out in time
do you lay in your bed, do you stare at the stars
is your main friend someone who’s an old acquaintance of ours
tell me
yes, tell me

tell me, are those rock and roll dreams in your eyes
tell me, behind what door your treasure lies
ever gone broke in a big way
ever done the opposite of what the experts say
tell me
tell me

is it some kind of game that you’re playing with my heart
how deep must i go, where do i start
do you have any morals
do you have any point of view

is that a smile that i see on your face
will it lead me to glory or lead me to disgrace
tell me
tell me

tell me, is that my name in your book
tell me, will you go back and take another look
tell me the truth, don't tell me no lies
are you anybody someone prays for or cries
tell me
tell me

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