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Длительность: 04:07

Просмотры: 864

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Видеоклип The birth of the world . Eva . Evdokimov show theater/BEST DRAG QUEEN SHOW from Russia

Рады представить Вам Анатолия Евдокимова-уникального артиста и шоумена: 1 артист и 1000 образов! А так же его коллектив Evdokimov Show-костюмированное, танцевальное, театральное представление, пародии на знаменитостей, которое прекрасно походит как для больших мероприятий, и для корпоративов, вечеринок, ночных клубов, свадеб и дней рождений. Мы представляем 8 красочных программ 40 минут нон-стоп каждая!
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This is Russian sensational show, dance crew "Evdokimov Show", instead of the stereotypical Russian Kalinka-malinka or classical ballet, show up with groundbreaking cross-culture and cross-eras costume performance covering incredibly different historical music eras -- jumping from Egyptian gods to Tina Turner's, Lady Gaga,Kylie Minogue, Abba & etc best hits and the timeless and immortal Whitney Houston's "Bodyguard" theme.
Anatoly Yevdokimov was finishing law school and moonlighting as a barman when he did his first drag show. Becoming a performing artist never crossed his mind -- it was just a bit of fun to amuse people at the bar. But his impersonations of Tina Turner, Liza Minnelli and Barbra Streisand were such a hit that soon he was offered regular weekend slots at another Moscow club.

The shows became more elaborate, outgrowing local clubs, and he left his law career behind. Now the Evdokimov Show struts its stuff in big concert halls all over Russia and abroad, not to mention private events for the rich and famous. Photos on the Internet show him hobnobbing with Vladislav Doronin and Naomi Campbell, who once flew him to Switzerland to perform at an exclusive party.

Muscovites have the chance to see Yevdokimov's new mega-show, "Ya Sdelal Vsekh" (I've Done Them All), at two 10th-anniversary jubilee performances in Moscow's Estrada Theater this Thursday and Friday, April 26 and 27. An ambitious extravaganza serving up a bit of everything from ancient Egypt and Rome to Moulin Rouge and disco, it promises "one soloist, two concerts, 20 dancers, 100 images, 1,000 costumes, 100,000 sequins and a million smiles."

The once all-male troupe is now supplemented by female dancers. Yevdokimov said his show is something quite different from a drag show.

"A drag show is men with heavily pumped-up bodies wearing makeup and costumes," he said in a telephone interview. "I started with that, 15 years ago, in a team of three. We were pumped up, and made up. But now, it's a very expensive travesty show. Drag -- that's associated with clubs, or gay parades. Travesty is more theatrical, it's like theater. Our show is for a very rich public. Yes, we perform in gay clubs, just as much as in other clubs, but our main bookers are concert halls in Europe and Russia, and corporate events for rich people."

The show's expense is the reason why it's mostly entertainment for the well-off. Taking into account the three years of preparation -- and the great number of expensive costumes, wigs and shoes -- he said the show had cost more than half a million euros.

It may have grown out of a modest dance act impersonating Madonna and Britney Spears, but "now, it's on the level of Las Vegas or Cirque du Soleil," he said.

Asked if he had any role models, such as perhaps someone like Ru Paul, Evdokimov said, "Ru Paul is a diva playing oneself, and I am different. I'm an artist who does 50 images in a show. I am a theatrical person. It's a theatrical show. Rome, Cleopatra, Whitney, Diana Ross, Shirley Bassey -- it's more interesting than just being a beautiful diva."

The hardest part? "Organising all the people, a huge number of people, light, sound, decoration, wigs, shoes, all the organization of all that."

His favorite role? "Tina Turner," he said without hesitation. "My favorite artist, I've been doing her for 15 years. It's one of my most successful roles, along with Whitney Houston. Yes, Tina Turner will be in the show at Estrada Theater. And a big surprise."

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