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Мы нашли для вас песню All I Want от Avatarium. Мы будем очень рады, если вы насладитесь прослушивание этого музыкального произведения и оно принесёт вам радость. Эта музыка отлично подойдёт как для молодых, так и для опытных, которые наверяка найдут в ней что-то новое для себя.

Длительность: 03:55

Просмотры: 746

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От того же автора Avatarium


Видеоклип all i really want to do - bob dylan
i ain't looking to compete with you
beat or cheat or mistreat you
simplify you, classify you
deny, defy or crucify you
all i really want to do
is, baby, be friends with you

no and i ain't looking to fight with you
frighten you or uptighten you
drag you down or drain you down
chain you down or bring you down
all i really want to do
is, baby, be friends with you

i ain't looking to block you up
shock or knock or lock you up
analyze you, categorize you
finalize you or advertise you
all i really want to do
is, baby, be friends with you

i don't want to straight-face you
race or chase you, track or trace you
or disgrace you or displace you
or define you or confine you
all i really want to do
is, baby, be friends with you

i don't want to meet your kin
make you spin or do you in
or select you or dissect you
or inspect you or reject you
all i really want to do
is, baby, be friends with you

i don't want to fake you out
take or shake or forsake you out
i ain't looking for you to feel like me
see like me or be like me
all i really want to do
is, baby, be friends with you


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